you have to understand
that you're one of few friends
who actually give a damn
about the things I
do for the populace.
even though i'm so selfish,
if there's one thing i give a damn
about, it's you.
the tides are always slipping from the shore,
and if it seems that time walks out the door,
i'm sorry i took our time for granted
i'm not one to notice good things happening
my self-esteem is shit,
i don't know where to begin
when it comes to saying
all the reasons i can't commit
the tides are always slipping from the shore
and if it seems that time is running out the door,
i'm sorry i took our time for granted
i'm not one to notice good things happening
nor think that i am worth the time of day
for you to bless me with your company
i'm not who i thought i'd be
god knows he'd damn my insecurity
so i'm writing all of my thoughts down
for the sake of not forgetting
the things that made me who i am today
i'm sorry i took our time for granted
i'm not one to notice good things happening
deep down, i'm more than the time of day
it just takes a shove to remind myself
that I'm honestly a-okay

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